This was a treat, Adam, I had scenes from the films, "The Duellists" and "Barry Lyndon" kind of playing in the background of my mind, as I read :)

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Thanks! High praise indeed. I've been marinating in the Napoleonic wars reading The Campaigns of Napoleon by David Chandler.

The Duellists was on my list of films to watch but now I've added Barry Lyndon as well.

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I think you'll enjoy these films they are fascinating both for their historical detail and the cinematic quality. Barry Lyndon takes place before Napoleon but it has this cinematic vibe of the "Seven Year War" battlefields that feels similar. In a side note, Kubrick wanted to do a Napoleon film but the financial bust of "Waterloo" killed studio appetites. His research was then redirected into "Lyndon".

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Such a shame about Waterloo (the movie, not the battle). I've been watching it a little bit at a time and I think it's fantastic. Very old school epic. We'll see how the new Napoleon movie stands up. I wonder how much Ridley Scott will draw on his past experience with The Duellists.

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